Writer Wednesday interview: Mary Morgan

Today on my blog I welcome Mary Morgan, author of the Dragon Knights series.  Hello, Mary! When and how did you first become interested in writing?

I’ve always enjoyed writing. I started at a young age with poems and plays. With an overactive imagination, I loved creating stories within my mind and writing them down. However, it took decades for me to have the courage to bring them out into the world for others to read.

What gave you the idea for the Dragon Knights stories?

On my first trip to Scotland sixteen years ago. I was sitting all alone on a boulder in the Highlands, surrounded by the magic and mists of the land. The Dragon Knights were born that evening.

You write about Scotland, which seems to be a favourite setting for romance writers (my friend Lizzie Lamb sets most of her stories there and they have been very popular).  What drew you to it, and how do you evoke the setting in your books?

My love affair with Scotland began decades ago. I blame it on my own bloodline—a yearning to return to the land of my ancestors. I have visited Scotland twice, so I put into my stories what I’ve seen, felt, and experienced. I took a travel journal and wrote daily, which helps in my research, too. Of course, my husband took many wonderful pictures that captured the majestic scenery of Scotland.

What's the most interesting thing you found out while researching the stories?

There were several, but the one that still stands out was finding a trading post in Ireland called Dunnyneill Islands. I needed a place for my hero and heroine from Dragon Knight’s Axe to meet. The hero bartered and sold goods along the Irish coast, so it was a serendipitous moment finding these islands. There is an ongoing archaeological dig on these islands, too. It was a trading post as far back as the 7th century. 
Who is your favourite romance author?  Or who are your favourites if you can't narrow it down to one?

I love romance, but I’m more a historical kind of gal. Some of my favorites: “Hawaii” by James Michener. “The Lion of Ireland” by Morgan Llywelyn, and “The Mists of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?

Never, ever give up! My mantra before I was published was, “I will find the right publisher. Readers will love my books.” Both have come true, because I believed in my dream. Therefore, I tell aspiring writers the same. My rejection letters were a path leading to the “right fit” with an editor and publisher.

Where can readers find you and your books?  

Here's a picture of my writing space.  I love making new friends. Here is where you can find me online:

Buy Links for Dragon Knight’s Shield

Angus MacKay, leader of the Dragon Knights, failed his brothers and his clan upon the death of his sister. Now he must fight the darkness of despair tempting his soul. Back on Scottish soil, he comes face to face with Deirdre who can wield a sword as mightily as his warriors, and takes her captive. Yet, with each passing day, the fire dragon inside him roars to claim the one woman fate has destined for him. 

Famed mystery writer, Deirdre Flanagan, is unprepared for the next chapter in her life. On a vacation to Scotland, she steps through the mists and enters into a skirmish alongside a Highlander. However, the fight has only begun, and now she must battle Angus as well as evil in order to claim the love of this Dragon Knight.

Will their love be powerful enough to shield them from danger, or burn them to ashes?

His look was predatory, lustful, inviting, and she took a step backward. Words failed her as she took another step back.
He arched a brow and his smile became seductive. “Do I frighten ye?”
“No!” she lied. Like hell you do! You’re as gorgeous as sin standing there, and I want to rip your clothes from your body.
Pushing off from the wall, he stepped into the room and silently closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving hers. His hair hung in soft waves past his shoulders, and her fingers itched to twine within them. Her body ached in places so deep—longing for even the slightest touch. 
“Are ye unwell, my lady?”
The burr of his voice so low—so sexy, she could only stare at him until his words resonated in her mind. “No,” she replied softly, feeling the flames of desire heat not only her face, but also her entire body.
This time when he took another step closer, Deirdre didn’t back away. Now he stood so close she could feel the warmth of his breath across her face—a mix of wine and pure male.
She watched mesmerized as he reached for a lock of her hair, twining it around his finger. “So verra soft.”
Deirdre couldn’t breathe, as he let the curl unravel and cupped her face in his hands. “Ye confuse me. Ye torment me in my dreams,” he whispered against her cheek, sending a wave of pleasure down her spine.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog, Stephanie! :)

  2. Oooooh, I love the excerpt! Sounds like an awesome book! :-)

    1. Thanks, Casi! I loved writing their story. They are two of my strongest characters of the series. Yet, a leader always requires a strong woman by his side. Deirdre was perfect. So happy you stopped by. :)

  3. HIi Mary! Loved your interview, I find Scotland and Ireland intriguing. Love reading stories set there. Hope your book sales are through the roof.

    Look forward to reading Dragon Knights Shield.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and stopping by, Tena! I truly hope you enjoy Angus and Deirdre's story. Theirs was an epic adventure through Scotland.


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