A Poem for Referendum Day
I haven't been around much lately. The real world has rather taken over from writing for a while, but here's one thing I have written which seems apt for today: It Isn’t You Of course I don’t mean you. You are a product of the Empire With no memory of a home outside these Isles. Your stories and your smiles are in my earliest memories You’re British through and through And if we had to vote for you To leave or to remain, Despite your birthplace and the colour of your skin, I’m sure that anyone would vote you ‘in’. I don’t mean you, I mean those others who Like the Loch Ness Monster, I have never seen, But must exist because the Daily Mail and facebook tell us so. No, they should go, the lazy slobs Who waste our benefits; the greedy ones who take our jobs. I don’t mean you, my friend, whose thirty years of Yorkshire overlaid On native Michigan have not yet made You local in some Donny eyes – or ears – Your fair skin and your perfect