Three of a Kind - Troubled Families and Silent Children
This week on Book It I'll be reviewing Diane Chamberlain's ' Breaking the Silence .' I found it particularly interesting that my picking up this book about a troubled family and a child whose response to emotional turbulence is elective mutism coincided with a very interesting discussion at academic romance blog ' Teach Me Tonight ' about speech difficulties in popular fiction (which mentions, in passing, The King's Speech as part of this phenomenon). Up until this point, I hadn't given a lot of thought to speech difficulties as a theme, but once it was mentioned, it seemed to crop up everywhere. First I happened again across a book I'd read a few years ago, ' Overheard in a Dream ' by Torey Hayden, the best-selling American author of a whole series of books on troubled children, including several elective mutes. Although the novel was a compelling and moving story, it didn't quite seem to me to retain the power and simplicity of h