Halloween Blog Hop

Halloween is a great excuse to dig out Nightmare Before Christmas and all my favourite spooky stories, so my contribution to the Halloween blog hop is, in no particular order, my seven favourite magical books (or series - a sneaky way of not quite having to narrow down to seven books) of all time. How many have you read? Follow the hop for more fun, great books, and awesome prizes. And make sure to read to the end for a chance to win a sneak preview of a magical collection, as well as a hop-wide prize draw for $50 or $100 in Amazon gift cards. Tamora Pierce: Alanna (Song of the Lioness series) Along with 'Little Women', this is one of my most read books ever. The story of a girl in a magical land which, sadly, reflects our own in having certain expectations of how boys and girls will behave. Alanna doesn't want to be a lady and learn to dress prettily and walk nicely. She wants to fight the bad guys, and both she and her twin Thom are gi...