Writer Wednesday takeover - Angela Wren interviews me

It's all about fantasy today. So wishes can come true and authors can be anything they want to be! And I am Angela Wren and I am temporarily taking charge of Stephanie's blog so that I can interview her about her writing and her wonderful book 'Djinn and Tonic'. AW What is your current release? SC Djinn and Tonic is a fun, fairy-tale inspired romance novella involving a photographer and a genie. Sal is determined to win a photography award for an atmospheric photoshoot, but her wish for the perfect model is more effective than she expects – she inadvertently conjures up Ashtad, who’s not only tall, dark and handsome, but also a genie. Sal can have everything she’s ever dreamed of but, as in all the best fairy tales, she soon learns to be careful what she wishes for… AW What first got you into writing and why? SC I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write. My first love was poetry, but as a child I als...