Why I love my publisher.

I've been away from my blog for a few weeks, for a few reasons, both technical and otherwise.  What better to return with than a celebration of my wonderful publishers?  The Wild Rose Press is about to turn five years old - a ripe old age in the still-fresh world of e-publishing.

There are e-publishers and e-publishers, and The Wild Rose Press is definitely an e-publisher to be proud of.

Not only do the folks at The Wild Rose Press publish great stories (and no, I'm not only saying that because they published my e-book, Desperate Bid and made it available on Amazon too - they publish loads of great romances, including some by the wonderful Rachel Brimble and Rae Summers). They also make a point of giving lots of help and feedback to new writers. 

Their blog Behind the Garden Gate is a must-read if you write romance, or are curious about what goes on behind the scenes at a publisher. 

Oh, and they're really nice people too.  This post about Agonising Over Rejections shows how seriously Wild Rose editors take their work and their responsibility to writers, as well as readers.  This personal touch is so valuable in a world of push-button menus and form letters.   Thank you, Wild Rose!


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    Couldn't agree with you more. TWRP are tops.



  2. Yes, and wonderfully international - I'm in the UK, my editor is in the US, and it seems to be my day for connecting with Australia because I was talking to a friend there earlier, and I see from your profile that you live there. I like the film 'Australia' too, but my favourite Aussie film is 'Tim', based on a novel by the wonderful Colleen McCullough.

  3. Wonderful, supportive publishers and a great network of other authors! I'm thrilled to be part of The Wild Rose family.

  4. Great post, Stephanie. And I agree, TWRP is the best. I've worked with Allison Byers (who wrote the rejection blog) and she is just as encouraging and supportive while working with the author after the contract is signed.) I couldn't have asked for a better editor for my 2 historicals. And Lill Farrell helped make my paranormal romance into a gret book. Thanks, ladies!

  5. I'm proud to be a Rose, too. When a couple members of the Virginia Romance Writers kept saying nice things about their publisher, I checked out TWRP's website. I read almost every "help" article in The Garden and learned much from them. I knew then I wanted to be a Rose. So far, I've not regretted a thing. They've treated me wonderfully.

  6. Lilly, I can't believe I didn't mention my editor, Nan Swanson, as one of the reasons I love TWRP! What was I thinking?

    Vonnie, I heard lots of good things about TWRP before submitting, too, from members of the UK Romantic Novelists' Association.

  7. Hi, Stephanie. TWRP has some of the best stories out on the market, IMHO. And if you see a great cover, it's possibity a WR cover. Their art department is amazing. I've worked with three different editors at the TWRP and loved each of them. They truly made my stories better. I'm so sad to sad, they've moved on and or writing myself now. SIGH I'm sure who my next editor, she will be awesome too.

    Have a wonderful day, or evening.

  8. Bravo, Stephanie! I couldn't agree more. Everyone I've had to pleasure of knowing and working with at WRP has been outstanding. From cover artists, to editors, Lisa Dawn in Marketing, and even the other authors on the Loop - I was blessed beyond measure the day my book was contracted by WRP. Cheers!

  9. Hi Stephanie. I love TWRP. Allison Byers is my editor, and she's terrific. Rae Monet designed my cover, and I'm still in awe of her talent. It has been such a pleasant experience working with the entire team at TWRP. I feel honored to be a Rose.

  10. I couldn't agree more! I love it here at TWRP. Trish and Diana from the Scarlet line made my debut awesome!

  11. I'm so glad I found TWRP too, Stephanie! Not only do I have two full-length and four novellas--both in anthologies and stand-alone e-book form--out with TWRP, but I just got a new contract for a full-length post-Civil War romance. And the edits just came in yesterday. My editor, Allison Byers, is a joy to work with. She brings out the shine the stories she's worked on with me.

    The cover artists are great too! Nicola Martinez did all of my covers, and I'm hoping for another excellent cover for this new book.

  12. This is a great post, Stephanie, and I'm also proud to be with TWRP. I'm a Black Rose with a fabulous editor for my sensual vampire trilogy, the highly talented Callie Lynn Wolfe. My cover artist is Angela Anderson, a great cover artist. In fact, my first novella debuts this winter and Angela did a terrific job with that cover as well. This garden is a wonderful place to be!
    M. Flagg

  13. Such a variety of stories and genres! Thank you all for stopping by and joining in the fun. The Garden is such a community, too - another great thing about being here. Susan, Nicola did my cover too, and I love it!

  14. Love, love, love TWRP and recommend them to other writers whenever I can. The editors are generous and patient with their knowledge, only wanting the best from their authors.

    Thanks for mentioning me, Stephanie! Hope to see you at the RNA conference in July!

    Rachel x

  15. Hi Rachel! Nice to see you back, and you're welcome for the mention. You deserve it!


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