Book Review: Persuade Me

Persuade Me (Darcy & Friends, #2)Persuade Me by Juliet Archer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved 'Persuade Me'. Having enjoyed 'The Importance of Being Emma', I was slightly afraid that the novelty of modern Austen adaptations might have worn off, but if anything, I enjoyed this second book even more, though the reasons for that were largely personal.
Being a great fan of all things Antipodean, I relished the fact that Rick Wentworth had spent time as a marine biologist in Australia. Back in the UK, he reconnects with old flame Anna, now a lecturer in Russian Literature at... wait for it... Bath, where I studied for my MA in Creative Writing. Since Bath is also the home of all things Austen, there were plenty of opportunities for nods to the town's literary heritage as well as its unique style.
Even leaving aside the many personal connections, though, I would still have loved this fresh, modern take on a classic romance. Like Austen herself, Archer delivers a witty take on issues of class, alongside a sweet yet sassy tale of two lovers destined to be together but continually thwarted by circumstances. At times, the obstacles verged on implausibility, but the characterisation and storytelling, as well as the quality of the writing, kept me enthralled throughout.

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