Book Review: Torn

Torn (Trylle, #2)Torn by Amanda Hocking
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's some time since I read 'Switched' but it was easy to slip back into the believable world of the Trylle.  The book certainly opens with a bang, as Wendy is kidnapped by the Vittra in an exciting sequence. She escapes surprisingly easily, although the reason for this later becomes apparent.

Perhaps the rest of the story doesn't quite live up to the excitement of the opening, but there are twists and turns aplenty and I was kept reading on to see how Wendy will manage to balance love and duty in what rapidly becomes more than a love triangle: there's Finn, the handsome tracker to whom she's always been attracted; Tove, the kindly Markis she's supposed to marry to save her kingdom; and finally, Loki, the dangerously attractive Vittra who was instrumental in her escape.

I loved the magical world of the Trylle, and the Princess-diary-ish strand of Wendy learning to adapt from being an ordinary teenager to livnig as the heir to a kingdom. My only complaint was that we're kept hanging until book 3 for so many of the conclusions, but that's not uncommon for the second in a trilogy.

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