Sneak Peek Sunday: Desperate Bid (Sarah)

For the next couple of weeks, I've decided to use my 'sneak peeks' to introduce you to some of my favourite characters from my first book, 'Desperate Bid', and who better to start with than my heroine Sarah and her sister Gillian?  (In case you're wondering, since this appears out of context, the subject of their conversation is the nightmare 'team-building event' which Sarah attended the previous day.  

        Sarah would sooner have been soaking in a hot bath than sitting in this dingy dive, staring at a wall papered inches thick with posters of unknown rock bands. But she’d promised Gillian ages ago that she’d come to hear this great new band, and she didn’t like to let her down. And for all its grubbiness, Campbell’s had a certain charm, a friendly, lively atmosphere that was hard to resist.
         “So you loved it, then. I’m sure.” Gillian matched Sarah’s sarcasm.
         “I ache like crazy.” Sarah rolled her shoulders to try and release the tension that had begun with the previous day’s exertion and been compounded by a day in the office. Her aches weren’t being helped by the fact that she was now perched on a tiny three-legged stool with no back support. “Oh, yes,” she added, “And Miles wants to buy the company.”
        At this, Gillian’s eyes widened.
        “What are you going to do?” Gillian asked, taking a sip of her vodka and lemonade as she waited for an answer.
        If Sarah ignored her sister’s exuberant curls, watching her across the table was almost like looking in a mirror, seeing the same emerald eyes and shoulder-length dark chestnut hair. But while Sarah ironed out the hint of wave in her tresses, Gillian encouraged hers into a tumbling mass of corkscrews.

There.  Just six paragraphs, as required in the rules of Sneak Peek Sunday.  Hop along there now if you'd like to read more tasty Sunday teasers.
If you liked this excerpt, you can read Sarah's story in 'Desperate Bid' - and you might also be interested to know that I'm currently working on a sequel featuring the mysterious Miles!  


  1. interesting. (and i can relate to the god-awful team building exercises) i look forward to more...

  2. Thanks Nora. I think anyone who's ever done one of those team-building things can relate to the awfulness. What kind of sadist nutters decide that climbing trees is going to help people sit at desks all day being bored? (Although I have to say, I had enormous fun at Go Ape! and can't wait to go again - but I went with friends, not work colleagues).


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