Writer Wednesday Interview: Melinda Dozier

Today I'm talking with Melinda Dozier, whose new book 'New York Minute' I featured on the blog last week. She's back to talk two of my favourite topics: writing and globe-trotting. Thanks for being here, Melinda!

When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
When I was in highschool, I used to fill up notebooks with stories-- usually young adult stuff with The Brat-Pack as my inspiration (I’m aging myself here). Though it was only a hobby, I wanted to become a writer way back then.

How did you come to start writing romance?
I’ve been an avid romance reader since I was a teen and one day I said, “Hey, I could do that.” So I did! On a whim, I entered my first novel into a pitch contest a few years ago, and the editor signed my book right away! That’s when I really felt like a “real” romance writer, when I held that contract in my hand.  

You teach as well - how on earth do you fit it all in?  What are your biggest distractions?
Yes and to be honest I don’t know how I fit it all in. One rule I have is not to bring teaching home. No grading papers, no answering school related emails, nothing (which is a big deal, because ask any teacher...work always gets done at home.) This makes me focus at school and use up all the time I have AT SCHOOL, and writing is only done AT HOME. My biggest distraction is social media, because I love love love Facebook and Twitter. I have to turn it off when I’m in the middle of a story or it’d never get done. Also, Christmas and Summer break are big writing gaps for me. One of the perks of a teaching schedule.

Your website describes your books as 'Love and Amor around the globe'.  How much of a part do the settings play in your stories, and do you have a setting you've never written about but would love to?
I live in Central America and travel is a big part of my life. I haven’t written about Central America yet, but I know it’ll happen. Setting is crucial to my stories. New York Minute takes place in my dream city -- NEW YORK. Also, the hero, Diego is from Argentina and shares his world with, the heroine, Veronica. 

My last release, Time Out, Valentine takes place in Portland, Oregon, which stemmed from a business trip a few years ago. I loved the city and culture. So, of course, the iconic places, like Voodoo Donuts or the International Rose Garden star in the story.

Last year, a few authors and I teamed up to write a Winter Olympics themed anthology which takes place in Switzerland.  As you can see, Love and Amor Around the Globe is what it’s all about.

What research did you do for New York Minute?  
My father-in-law is a New Yorker and has so many stories to tell. In fact, my inlaws have such a beautiful romance story that I’m going to have to write it one day. They met at the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. His stories were the best research. I also watched lots and lots of Youtube videos, even though I think it’s kind of pathetic.. My dream is to visit NYC one day soon. I’ll make it happen!

Are you working on another book right now, and if so, can you give us a hint of what’s to come?
I’m currently writing a story that takes place in France called French Connection. It’s loosely based on something that happened to me when I was sixteen living in Paris for the summer.

And finally, where can we find out more about New York Minute and your other books?
You can find my book information at my website: www.melindadozier.com
And like I said, I’m a social media nut, so find me there too: www.facebook.com/melindadoz or www.twitter.com/melindadozier

Thanks so much for having me, Stephanie! I loved your personalized questions.


  1. Thanks so much for having me today! :)

  2. Thanks for visiting! It's quiet in the comments, but look, you've already shot to the top of the 'popular posts' list. I guess everyone's in such a hurry to rush off and buy New York Minute, they haven't stuck around to comment!! By the way, thanks for inspiring me to put together some mini book trailers - I loved yours for NYM!

  3. Great interview, ladies! Melinda also inspired me to put some trailers together, lol :D

  4. Thanks for visiting, Rachel. Your trailers for Templeton Cove and the historicals are fantastic. :)

  5. Hi Melinda and Stephanie! [wave] Great post, and can I say, the cover of New York Minute is adorable. Melinda, I'm a long time teacher groupie. My father was a teacher and my daughter is doing her student teaching, finishing up in about 4 weeks. I wish you all the very best.

  6. I liked the bit about putting life in to different sections and not bringing work home. Olympics books sound interesting. You should go to New York, i went to watch the tennis and a show on Broadway.


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