Twelve days of kindle #9

Product DetailsProduct DetailsToday's kindle choice is something of a departure from the romance theme. 

Although there's a romance element to Laini Taylor's wonderful 'Daughter of Smoke and Bone', it's mainly a superbly bizarre YA fantasy.  The book features a delightfully quirky heroine, a complex system of magic and a few big secrets, like who the heroine Karou really is and why the monstrous yet wise Brimstone has singled her out.  OK, so the 'surprise' twist is the tiniest touch predictable, but the book is none the less satisfying for that, what with the fabulous settings, both earthly and other-worldly, and the lyrical prose style. 

I truly loved this book, and my only quarrel with it was that it was too obviously part of a series, so that reaching the end of the book was more like reaching a milestone than an arrival.  However, that fault has been at least partly resolved by the release of the sequel, 'Days of Blood and Starlight'.  Given the £7.99 kindle price on that, I'm tempted to indulge in the dead tree version instead - an added bonus is that both books have covers which will look fabulous on the shelf! 


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